NAET Allergy Treatments

NAET Allergy Treatments

Per the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans have experienced various types of allergies each year. Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. NAET is a natural alternative allergy identification and treatment method without the use of scratch tests, shots, or drugs.

What is NAET and How Is It Different From Conventional Allergy Treatments

NAET is a natural, non-invasive, and drug-free alternative treatment blending Western and Eastern healing practices.   Developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad,  Ph.D., M.D., D.C., L.Ac., who was looking for a way to overcome her own serious allergic reactions, NAET draws on elements of allopathic medicine  (Western medical knowledge), kinesiology, chiropractic, acupuncture, Oriental medicine and nutrition. Her vast knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine, combined with extensive research, led to this effective and successful technique.

An allergy is defined as an inappropriate or exaggerated reaction of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, causes no symptoms. These substances are called allergens.

The goal of conventional allergy treatments is to desensitize the immune system to the allergen through avoidance, medication, and/or injections of the offending allergen.

In contrast, rather than focusing specifically on the immune system, NAET works to reset the nervous system and re-program the brain’s negative response towards an allergen to a positive response.  By making this change in the nervous system, it stops the immune system from attacking the offending allergen.

NAET is safe and effective for everyone, from infants to elderly patients.

Disclaimer: NAET does NOT claim to cure allergies or food, chemical and environmental sensitivities.

I started NAET about 6 months ago with Dr. Alexander. The difference in how I feel is amazing. After being diagnosed with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel, extensive food and environmental allergies, etc…and going from doctor to doctor I finally turned it over to Dr. Alexander. This was the best decision that I have made towards recovery in my life.

– Joan M. // Lawrenceville, Ga


I have been allergic to dairy & corn for 7 years.  After NAET for both, I am now able to eat dairy & corn.  I have had an ice cream sundae, Mexican food, pizza, Thai food & much more!  I can now enjoy things people normally take for granted, such as using prepared toothpaste. (That’s right – I’ve had to make my own toothpaste.)  At the start of treatment, I received the BBF.  After this cleared I stopped taking my ADD medicine & I’m doing well with that.  I could go on & on, but I’ve runout of room… This treatment is a miracle.

– Leanne G. // Lawrenceville, Ga


Dr. Alexander and NAET

Dr. Alexander has been treating patients using NAET for more than 25 years.  He is one of over 14,000 NAET professional practitioners worldwide, who are certified to treat patients using NAET.  Certification requires completion of an intensive training program as well as attending follow up workshops and seminars.  Dr. Alexander has attended workshops, seminars, and symposiums in California, North Carolina, and Paris, France and was approached by Dr. Nambudripad to become a NAET lecturer.  He has a case study that was featured in Dr. Nambudripad’s influential book, “Say Good-Bye to Illness”.  

Only doctors of Medicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Dentistry, Naturopathy and Registered Nurses sponsored by a doctor are eligible to take NAET training.


Why haven’t I heard more about NAET?

By medical standards, NAET is quite new and therefore, like many alternative treatments, it is not yet well-known among traditional doctors. While more than 14,000 doctors practice NAET world-wide, that is still a relatively small number.

As people have experienced the power of NAET in their lives, some of them have started websites discussing their experiences. Here is a link to a site not created by practitioners promoting NAET, but an actual patient and his story.  (He is not a patient of Dr. Alexander)


> My NAET Experience


Dr. Alexander has written a short book giving his interpretation of NAET.  Request your FREE copy below.


NAET Testimonials 

I have been very pleased with the results of my NAET treatments.  I can now eat certain foods without having symptoms (like headaches).  I am now metabolizing my food much better & have lost a few pounds without even trying.  I no longer wake up in the morning with my heart beating fast, and my first morning urine is no longer very dark.  Also, I no longer have feelings of queasiness like I did before the treatments. Thank you Dr. Alexander for all your help.

Cathy B. // Snellville, Ga

The NAET treatments are so effective that if everyone with environmental allergies were to go through the process, the pharmaceutical allergy companies would go out of business.  For the last 8 years, since I moved to ATL, I’ve had horrible seasonal allergies which caused a major disruption in my daily life.  OTC pharmaceuticals were becoming less and less effective and I needed a permanent solution.  After each of the treatments, my allergies improved in less than 24 hours.  After 2 weeks of treatments my symptoms were gone.  So much so that I spent over 10 hours outside in the peak of pollen season without a single symptom.  The method is counterintuitive to what most Americans understand as “medicine” but the results are better than any traditional medical treatment.

– Ryan S.  //  Atlanta, GA


As a child I was always sick…As a young adult I continued to have many of the same problems…Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have had sinus surgery twice…A year ago I was sick all the time…My daughter-in-law heard about NAET treatments and sent me some information. I started to see Dr. Alexander soon after. That was a year ago…I cannot believe how much better I feel.

– Marilyn J. // Lawrenceville, Ga


NAET works wonders! When Dr. Alexander started these treatment, I could eat no green vegetables.  Over a period of time,I was treated for broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, and other.  These treatments now allow me to eat these veggies.  I have IBS and NAET has been a blessing. Thanks NAET and Dr. Alexander!

Sheryl J.  // Dacula, Ga.


Dr. Alexander and his staff have been nothing short of amazing!  I began as an NAET client in September, my  good allergies were very bad.  Dr. Alexander and his staff were patient and explained every process to e.  I am 4 treatments away from being free of food allergies that have accumulated over the past 44 years.

Michelle J. // Lawrenceville, Ga


Several years here.  Came after being diagnosed with adult onset asthma.  Went through his allergy program, asthma no more.  Great people and very experienced at what they do.  Reduced my guess about what drugs or supplements go onto my body and what to avoid and to put in to it to make it better.

Judy K. // Lilburn, Ga.


Dr. Alexander has the knowledge and experience to over all wellness.  I have been seeing him for several years for adjustments, and for the NAET testing.  The NAET has been a life changer for me.  I have had chronic sinusitis and flare up of asthma spring and fall for many years.  Also, I am allergic to any dogs that shed.  After the NAET treatments I have been free of any sinusitis ad asthma for almost 2 ears.  Also, I have been able to visit my sister and be around her 3 dogs without wearing a mask.  It has been wonderful not feeling sick and on medication for these 2 years.  I highly recommend Dr. Alexander with all his wealth of knowledge.

Deborah O. // Hoschton, Ga.


Dr. Alexander and his staff are the best. They are knowledgeable and helpful with whatever questions  have had about my daughter’s health. Since we have been going to the Whole Life Health Center, we have been able to figure out the root cause of some recurring health issues my daughter has been having.  We are go grateful to Dr. Alexander and the NAET treatment that he provides.  It truly has been remarkable.

Traci B. //  Lawrenceville, Ga


My sons and I have been going to Dr. Alexander for over 10 years.  He has helped us with our chiropractic needs and treated our allergies.  He has figured out thing wrong when other doctors could not.  He is the most kind and compassionate doctor I’ve ever been to .  He takes time with you to explain what is going on and to put you on a treatment plan. I can’t say enough good things about him.

Kaye B. // Berkley Lake, Ga.