auto injury neck pain


What is Whiplash?

Whiplash injuries to the neck are caused by any sudden forced movement of the head backwards, forwards, or sideways.  This results in potential damage to the joint capsules, nerve roots, spinal cord, ligaments, disc and/or muscles and tendons or results in spinal misalignments.


What causes Whiplash injuries?

When most people think of whiplash, they think of auto accidents.  While auto accidents are the most common cause of whiplash injuries, sports accidents or collisions, slips, trips and falls can also result in a whiplash injury.  Any time there is an event that causes a sudden jerking of the neck, there is the possibility of a whiplash injury.


Facts about Whiplash injuries caused by auto accidents:

  • A whiplash injury can occur in less than 1 second
  • Even a low-speed accident, as low as 5 mph if your car is stopped, can result in whiplash.  
  • Whiplash injuries can happen even if there is no apparent damage to the car. More than half of all whiplash injuries occur without vehicle damage.
  • Soft tissues injuries, such as to muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc,. usually don’t show on x-rays.  Most MDs and emergency room staff are looking at x-rays to determine if there are any broken bones, not to determine if vertebrae have been forced out of position.  Chiropractors are professionally trained in the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash injuries.
  • Pain pills and muscle relaxers will only cover up the symptoms, not correct injuries that can cause long-term problems if not taken care of.
  • Symptoms may not be felt for days or even weeks after an accident.

Possible Symptoms of a Whiplash Injury

  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Upper Back Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Numbness in Hands or Feet
  • Tinnitus (ringing in ears)
  • Irritability
  • Painful Joints
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Jaw/Facial Pain (TMJ)
  • Upper Limb (Arm)  Pain
  • Upper Limb Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

It’s time to get treatment for whiplash

Get a care plan in place.

How does chiropractic care help treat whiplash?

The first step to diagnosing whiplash is a complete Chiropractic/Orthopedic exam.  This includes feeling for areas of tenderness and/or tightness, testing for restricted range of motion, and determining if there are muscle spasms or ligament injury.  X-rays are usually taken to look for vertebrae that may have been forced out of alignment

Once the extent of the injuries has been determined, a recommended therapeutic care plan utilizing chiropractic adjustments is developed.  Often other therapies may also be recommended such as ultrasound and/or laser therapy to help heal soft tissue injuries, Cervical traction/decompression to relieve pressure on the discs,  ice therapy, and possibly stretching/strengthening exercise.


What is a chiropractic adjustment, and how do they help?

Often whiplash injuries will involve movement of spinal bones (vertebrae) out of alignment.  Chiropractic adjustments, done manually or using a specifically designed adjusting instrument, apply specific, quick pressures to exact spots on the spine to move an out of place vertebra back to its correct position.  Dr. Alexander is highly skilled and experienced at both manual and instrument adjusting using an Activator or Arthrostim instrument.

By returning the vertebrae to their correct position it takes the pressure off surrounding nerves and muscles.  This improves the spinal movement and your body’s overall function.  It can also help to restore the natural curve in your neck if that curve has been compromised in an accident.


Care Plan Therapies


Cervical Traction/Decompression  

Cervical traction/decompression helps create space between the vertebrae to keep the spinal discs healthy and involves a gentle stretching of the neck.  It can also open up the spaces where nerves exit the spinal canal, which can help relieve pressure off of a compressed nerve.


 Ice Therapy (Cryotherapy)

Cryotherapy or ice therapy, serves two main purposes; one,  to help reduce inflammation and two, to provide temporary pain relief.  By cooling the surface of the skin it constricts blood vessels, numbs painful areas, and helps relax muscle spasms.  


Low Light Laser Therapy 

Low Light laser therapy serves to stimulate the mitochondria of damaged cells in order to increase blood flow and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, aids in the reduction of pain and inflammation which helps increase joint mobility, and promotes a healthy cell metabolism.


Ultrasound Therapy 

Therapeutic ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to penetrate tissues deep in the body, creating a heat response.  This internal increase in temperature increases blood flow, helps relax muscle spasms, soothes damaged tissues, and speeds the healing process.

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage is designed to help relax muscle spasms and/or tightness that results in pain and stress on the injured area.

When to See a Chiropractor for Whiplash / Auto Accident

  1. Anytime you have been involved in an auto accident, even a minor fender-bender, set up an appointment as soon as possible to evaluate your spine for injury. 
  2. If you experience sudden and/or extreme neck pain that restricts your ability to move or do certain activities, set up an appointment immediately to determine if you have a serious injury.
  3. If you experience pain, numbness, weakness or tingling in your shoulder or down your arm or any of the other symptoms listed above, call us to set up an appointment to determine the extent of your injuries that are causing these symptoms.

Find relief from whiplash

I was involved in an auto accident and was told I had whiplash..  I was given some pills and sent home.  In a few weeks I had tremendous pain.  My husband had been trying to get me to come see Dr. Alexander.  After ending up in the Emergency Room again, I decided to come to Dr. Alexander.  After only a few weeks of therapy I improved GREATLY!  I am positive this treatment shortened my recovery time by weeks, probably months.  I could tell a difference the first week.

Sharon B. // Lawrenceville, Ga


When I started coming here after a car accident I could not turn my neck to the right and my neck hurt when I woke in the morning.  After about 3 weeks I started to feel better every day.

Dieu T. // Lilburn, Ga.